I, or my child, is interested in the other studio
Please speak to the receptionist who will take your details and arrange a free taster lesson in the other instrument. If both instruments are learnt, an additional standing order will be set up so separate payments are made for Each subsequent instument
I, or my child, is going to miss a lesson. I am worried about missing work
Please inform the receptionist of your planned absence and check on the website for the class homework. If you have any further worries, please talk to the teacher who will be happy to support you or your child.
I can't see the homework
The homework is found in "My Documents". The lastest weeks homework will appear on the top. You can also use the search box on the front page once you are logged in. Just enter the day into the search box and you should then see a link to the correct page
How do I sign up for online access?
When you sign up for lessons with us we will request a contact email address. We will enter this into our systems and then you will be emailed a password.
Once you have this confirmation email please log into your account and click on the "My Details" link. You can then change the password to one that is more personal to you.
Please check your spam email box as some email servers treat initial emails from the JJ's server as spam