The voice is a powerful musical instrument in its own right and its popularity has grown with media drawing attention to both musical theatre and popular genres. We offer four pathways for those interested in learning voice:

  • Group Vocals for Key Stage 1 (Yrs 1-3)
  • Class Vocals for Key Stage 2 (Yrs 4-6)
  • Class Vocals: Musical Theatre for teenagers and adults
  • Class Vocals: Rock and Pop for teenagers and adults

 What can you expect from a Group Vocals for Key Stage 1 lesson?

The lessons are 45 minutes long and there are no more than eight students at one time. This course is aimed at Yrs 1-3 and incorporates vocal warm ups and exercises, singing a range of age suitable repertoire, reading music, listening skills and developing confidence.

Materials used are written for this age group and are provided during the lessons.  Students sing as a group and perform solos so gaining confidence singing in front of other people.

The lessons are fast paced and fun with students enjoying a practical musical experience whilst using their imagination and making new friends.  Key Stages are in separate groups to allow for differing learning speeds and interest in musical choices.

What can you expect from a Yamaha Class Vocals for Key Stage 2 lesson? 

The lessons are 1 hour long and there are no more than eight students at one time organised into similar age/ability groups.

Students are involved in whole group, duo and solo singing activities, extensive vocal warm ups and technical exercises, discovering a wide range of age suitable repertoire, reading music, listening skills and developing confidence.

Materials used are selected for the relevant age groups and course materials are purchased at enrolment.   Backing tracks are used, both provided with the course materials and advice is given on additional repertoire.

The lessons are fast paced and fun with students enjoying a practical musical experience whilst using their imagination and making new friends. 

Students have the opportunity to take an accredited exam using material learnt in lessons. Grades 1 – 8 are available, with Grade 6 onwards carrying UCAS points towards University applications. So this fun activity can turn into a career or aid progression into Higher Education.  A Rockschool examiner visits JJ’s Music School once a year for those wishing to take an examination.

What can you expect from a Yamaha Class Vocals: Musical Theatre or Class Vocals: Rock and Pop for teenagers and adults lesson? 

The lesson structure is the same as above but we know that by the time singers are 13 years old, they know whether they are more interested in Musical Theatre or Rock and Pop.  Therefore, our course is designed with this in mind and 'own choice' repertoire is drawn from the chosen discipline. 

All vocal students at JJ's Music School will be required to learn different genres of singing as the material written especially for the Yamaha Class Vocals course instigates discussion in how to use the voice in different ways.  However, by offering two different pathways we are acknowledging the main interest of the individual when selecting the 'own choice' materials.

Students will be given the option to take vocal exams Grades 1-8.  These are fully accredited through Rockschool.  Grade 5 is equivalent to a GCSE and Grades 6-8 earn UCAS towards University application.


For further details contact us using the 'Contact Us' link to your right.

For information on how much lessons cost and other specific information, please follow this link to our FAQ section.

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